Let's just get to it.
The meeting didn't start out great. The doctor walked in and before showing us any images, reiterated that I need to go on radiation and chemo immediately. She also explained that our "plan of 'observing' the tumor instead of attacking it through conventional treatment would not be her preference and that if I were a part of her family, this would have never happened". Okay... duly noted. By this point her approach is old hat because each of our meetings and phone calls usually start this way.
Not a great way to start out a follow-up meeting, but then she put up the images next to each other and... they were the same.
Nearly identical.
Yup. While I can't speak about any of the specific details (which hopefully I will find out more about in my meeting tomorrow with the department head) it is obvious that the tumor has definitely not grown. Yes, it could be that this follow-up exam is too soon to see a difference or that the growth rate of the tumor is so slow that no treatment (either conventional or alternative) could have made an impact yet. But either way, I didn't care... this was great news because it wasn't bad news!
Now, I know that we have been praying for shrinkage but this is still fantastic. Back in June, Dr. Awesome from Mayo Clinic said that after doing a round a radiation he would circle back to do another MRI to check for changes. If after 6 months the tumor was the same size, he would consider it a 'great success'. He said that since I am operating normally (or as normal as I ever have which isn't saying much) shrinkage is optimal, but maintenance is the first priority. In other words, if the tumor never grows past where it is now, I will lead a normal life with little-to-no symptom progression.
So, by Dr. Awesome's standards, in this first 6 months we have achieved great success! And to make things better, I didn't have to go through any of the side-effects from radiation such as hair loss, weakness, nausea or risk any long-term brain damage. And not only that, my overall health including my immune system, diet, stress levels and emotional health have improved immensely from the treatments I've been practicing.
So first off, praise God! While we will continue to move forward in faith, He has kept His promise of protecting me as I go down this 'alternative path'. While I felt crazy for saying no to my doctors, He has not left me alone, but given me the strength, confidence and peace to choose this narrow road when it makes no practical sense and when all the odds seem stacked against me. God doesn't tell boring run-of-the-mill stories and apparently this one will be no exception.
Next, thank you to my wife, who self-admittedly went into 'linebacker mode' in the patient room. As a general rule just... never-ever mess with Amy. Actually, if you are any figure of authority such as a government official, store manager or community organizer, just stay clear. Her independent spirit rises up and throws down! I'm just thankful we're on the same team! While I was trying to have a reasonable and logical conversation with the doctor, Amy was slinging alternative knowledge and calling her out straight up high-school debate style! It was incredible and frightening all at once... However as a matter of duty, I did give her a hospital 'red card' and am considering banning her from our meeting tomorrow. The jury is still out.
Third, thanks to Micah-the-Magician. Only by the power of God could you EVER have convinced me to do this. I distinctly remember audibly laughing at you when you first suggested 'natural treatment'.
And lastly thank you to my family and friends who have been such a huge support up to now. All day long I was receiving notes on Facebook, Twitter and emails, each one of them casting a vote of confidence for me. It made such a huge difference. I can't thank you enough.
I know that this is only the beginning of this story and there is lots more to come, but we finally have some evidence that this alternative plan of attack is achieving the same results the Doctors were hoping for with Radiation and Chemo.
I'll offer more detail later, but right now I am so tired. I have to go to bed.