(Side-note: This was my personal letter I wrote to cancer after one-year. I wasn't going to share it, but after reconsidering, here it is.)
Dear Cancer,
About one year ago, June 7, 2009, we were introduced. I admit it was a bit of a shock because I was unaware you had actually known me for around 10 years or so, silently growing without my knowledge. Nevertheless, to become fully aware of you now and see the black and white x-ray evidence of your presence in my brain was the beginning of a new chapter (if not an entirely new book).
Honestly, it makes sense to me why you grew quietly and slowly in my brain. You didn't go after my lungs or my liver. And I'm really not surprised that of anywhere to appear in my body, you chose to focus on the one area of my body that I hold the most dear, the heart of my identity - my ability to communicate, to speak, to write, to think. It's strangely peculiar you've positioned yourself in a such a fashion that both of my speech centers are affected with the strongest malignancy lying in the nerves that connect the two, a strategic position to keep my thoughts from coming out of my mouth.
Of course it would have been in your best interests to continue to grow quietly for 6 or 7 more years from now when they told me that you've grown too far and there's 'nothing left to do'. But you, cancer/evil/sickness/illness, you have made a grievous mistake.
You showed your cards too quickly.