I have to admit that I love the end of the year because you start to see everyones' "Best Of..." lists. One of my favorite publications, PASTE, always does a great job of this and this morning I've been catching up on their Top 25 Music videos of the year.
Usually when I'm sensing a lack of creativity, I know the first place to look for the problem. What's my input? If we expect to have good 'output', we need good 'input'. That principle pretty much goes across everything in life. Want to cook a cook meal? Use good ingredients. Want to be a good friend? Hang out with good friends. Want to tell good stories? Read good stories.
It's a very simple principle that we often forget. So... as you look to whatever endeavors you are planning for next year, check out the best of what happened this year. Then practice the creative art of stealing. That's right, every artist steals. You can either be a 'dirty thief' and plagiarize or you can be a 'proper thief' and follow this pattern.
"Suck. Mimic. Innovate."
Take in good input. Process it. Then make something better.
This is the process behind the creation of every new idea you and I have ever had. Now that you know the process, you can become better at it.
Here's some good input from 2010. Check out PASTE's top 25 music videos here, or see their complete list here.
Here are a few videos that inspired me in strange ways and made me get out my pen to start writing...
And now for the new kings of music videos... OK GO!
And my favorite of the year... The Wilderness Downtown by Arcade Fire. I highly recommend downloading Google Chrome and going to TheWildernessDowntown.com in order to customize the video for yourself. But if you are lazy, just watch this.
So those are a few great videos from this year. What did I miss? Give a shout out with a link in the comments!