This morning I woke up with the guilt that typically plagues me when I know I have so much work to accomplish that day. But since it's the first day of 2012, I gave myself the day off and in response to that morning dose of work-guilt was an overwhelming sense of thankfulness. I was just blown away by how much I have to be thankful for.
In fact I decided to sit down and start writing the many many things I'm thankful for and couldn't help but to quickly blog and ask you to do the same for yourself. Start 2012 off, not with a list of things you resolve to do, but a list of things you've already been blessed with as you start this new year. Plus, you and I both know lists of resolutions are full of crap anyway...
I suppose one of the key things I'm thankful for today, despite the ridiculous list of blessings I've been undeservedly shown, is to be thankful for the struggles I face. No one actually learns anything about themselves by having their act perfectly together, and especially not from pretending to have it together. You learn who you are when things fall break down and fall apart; like a muscle being torn before it can start to heal itself and become stronger.
So I don't have to run from my life when things look like they are moving from bad to worse. Those are the times I have to get to lean in and admit I can't do it by myself anymore. Those moments are the best moments; even better than having it all together.
I won't bore you with the details, but I'm thankful for my wife, family, friends, church, job, clients, etc... I went into details on my list and you should to if you'll take about 10 minutes to work on your list.
But what I'm really struck by this morning is my thankfulness for Jesus whose death on the cross, as the old hymn says, provides both my pardon and my peace. Sometimes I feel that same need to 'work' for that pardon, similar to the guilt I feel about waking up to a job with a deadline. But I'm quickly reminded that the work has already been done, the pardon has been paid and the peace has been provided.
I hope you can take today off, be thankful and accept that peace.
(Sidenote: Not to mention if the Mayans, Nostradamus and Rick Perry are all right, this is your last New Year's day, so let's be thankful and enjoy it!)